JR3 Consulting invites you to take The Ultimate Life Tool assessment. The test takes approximately 10 minutes and there are no wrong answers. Answer each question as quickly as possible. Try not to dwell on any one question more than 3 seconds after you read it. You will receive an informative 7-10 page report addressing your strengths, boundaries, motivations and energy potential. We call this your "operating manual", the one you didn't get the day you arrived. This helps to reduce toxicity, conflict, and create a greater influx of intelligence overall. The purpose for taking this test serves to let you, family members, friends, recruiters and employers to know best how to feed you so that you may rise to your full potential under their advisement, command or simply in their company.  It helps everyone to set up appropriate expectations as they relate specifically to you.  This, in turn, elicits mutual respect and cultivates success.

For more information contact JR3 Consulting at 818.235.4500 or visit our website at jr3consulting.com.

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